About the Obenchains

The Obenchain family (of Colorado Springs) 😉 consists of Tom (the dad) Julie (the mom) and their five children. (There are really six kids if you include one rather large poodle and a seventh if you count the cat the girls are trying to let into the house. We’re going with six officially. The cat, no matter how cute must remain out in the cold, sigh . . . .)

The names of these five kids plus dog are as follows: Beth, Spencer, Britta, Amelia, Lydia, and Willy Wonka (the furry one).  The Obenchain children (some aren’t really children any longer. Wow, when did that happen?) range in age from 20 down to eight. I think the dog might be about 42. Give him another human year and mom and dad won’t be the oldest any longer, biologically speaking at least.

The Obenchains live in Colorado Springs, Colorado which is about an hour south of Denver. The winters are mild compared to many places but we’re far enough north to make the summers mild as well. Perfect if you ask the Obenchains. Yes, there are mountains everywhere, pretty much (except east, but the Obenchains consider that leftovers from Kansas).

The Obenchains have lived in ‘The Springs’ since 1993 and are quite happy keep it that way, at least for now.

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