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Family Chat Site Up and Running

I recently set up a new microblogging site for the family to use. It is open to any member of our extended family.

What is microblogging? A fair question. If you’ve heard of Twitter, then you know something about it. Essentially, microblogging allows users to post short (140 characters or less) messages. Typically, these messages take the form of status updates similar to Facebook. You can ask questions, post news, etc.

The tool I selected allows users to attach pictures and other files. You can even cheat death and taxes by exceeding the sacred 140 character limit of Twitter.

The tool also allows users to create groups. So, if you want to send a message only to a specific set of people, you can do so. You can also send private messages to individual users. And because only family members can join, you don’t have to feel like you’re being stalked.

Some ideas we have floating around for the site are 1) sharing family pics. 2) sharing links to interesting information on other sites. 3) a German study group 4) and general keeping-in-touch chat.

If you’d like to join the site, visit:

You’ll need a passcode to join. Just contact by phone or email and I’ll give you that. (Check your email. You may already have an invite.)

Hope to talk with you soon on the Family Chat site!

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